I do not like Olivia anymore, she has lost her integrity with me and even though I think her PR lady from Elle Magazine is disgusting and looks like a car accident, so I give her the right to Olivia is shitty bad at her job! She can not drive a nail into a shit without smashing both. It is my opinion.
I think it also goes really bad for Whitney. It is a shame because I love her and love her clothing line. Love it! But being friends with Roxy is a stupid idea. It draws her down and her discernment becomes damaged. Roxy is a whore bitch. For example, when they were in the sommer house with Fred Fakelmeyer they could hav handled the whole thing a little better. BUT NO! Roxy had to ruin everything for Whit! Idiot!
My advice to you Whitney is to get rid of Roxy before she destroys your life.
XOXO Modedullens