torsdag den 15. oktober 2009


I absolutely love the magazine Vogue.
It is an American and English magazine and contains fashion and other general articles about other things. For example, hair and skin care!

I just watched the documentary film made about their editor Anna Wintour who is a real witch! LMAO! But she is good at her job and knows everything about fashion! I am very inspired by her and Vogue and sometimes buy the magazine itself! Here are some pictures from their front pages.

When I do not read Vogue, I like Danish women's magazines as Cover, Sirene and Eurowoman and Costume. They have all the new trends and some great pictures!

I never read the articles they are simply too boring! Heh heh ROFL!!

Piece and love from Modedullen XOXO

I all forgot to go to Butik Lise, Trine and Sisse wasn't going so I stayed at home. LOL!

Marie Antoinette a film from Sofia Coppola is the best fashion film in the whorld! The main character is a bit like moi!

I love Kiera Knightley she is a great acrot! And pretty! And she wears good fashion clothes!

I think this is and old cover for the magazine! It looks old!

I think this is a photo of Charlize Theron she is a wicked model and I like her!!!!

Finaly here is Anna Winter!!! SHE IS THE EDITOR OF VOGUE AND A BITCH BUT A CLEVER ONE!!! I'm a big fan!!!